Next Level Homes
Elevate new home construction with Next Level Homes!
Save money when you build highly energy-efficient homes with Next Level Homes incentives.
What We Do
Next Level Homes works with builders and HERS Raters to build homes that provide exceptional energy performance, comfort, and resiliency for Puget Sound Energy customers in Washington.

Whether you’re a production builder, custom builder, or building your own home, we’re ready to support you on your next new home project. We offer:
Financial Incentives

Reduce costs.
Leverage financial incentives to improve your bottom line and offset construction costs.
Energy Code Education

Get ahead of the code cycle.
Learn about upcoming changes to building standards and the latest advanced energy technology.
HERS Rater Network

Find a home energy expert.
Use our HERS Rater network to find top-notch support in building high-quality, energy-efficient homes.
HERS Raters
Join our growing network of certified HERS Raters who are ready to support Next Level Homes builders. We offer:
Business Development

Grow your business.
Join our HERS Rater network to connect with builders and secure new business opportunities.
Technical Training

Be prepared for what comes next.
Let our team do the leg work of interpreting upcoming code changes and highlighting emerging technologies so you can stay one step ahead.
HERS Rater Forums

Stay up to date on industry and program news.
Join our bimonthly HERS Rater meetings to hear the latest industry and program news.
Next Level Homes offers cash incentives to support Washington builders in developing high performing single-family homes. Two pathways are available to choose from based on your home performance goals.
Energy Credits+
The Energy Credits+ pathway offers a $530 incentive for each 0.5 energy credit above the 2018 Washington State Energy Code – Residential (WSEC-R). Receive bonus incentives for envelope, ventilation, and heat pump water heater measures*. Building Opportunity incentives are available for homes built on land owned by an income-qualified community land trust and/or properties on reservation land.
Measure | Category | Requirement | Standard Incentive | Building Opportunity Incentive |
1 | Code Credits | 0.5 2018 WSEC-R Energy Credits Above Code Requirement* | $530/0.5 credits | $1,100/0.5 credits |
2 | Wall Insulation | Continuous Insulation >R-5 | $650/home | $1,400/home |
3 | Wall Insulation | Continuous insulation >R-5 Mineral Fiber | $750/home | $1,600/home |
4 | Wall Insulation | Advanced Framing (24 inch on center) | $90/home | $180/home |
5 | Window | U-0.01 Improvement from Code/Energy Credit | $85/U-0.1 improvement | $180/U-0.01 |
6 | Attic Insulation | R-60 with Advanced Ceilings | $290/home | $610/home |
7 | Attic Insulation | R-49 with Advanced Ceilings | $170/home | $360/home |
8 | Infiltration | 0.5 ACH50 Improvement from Code/Energy Credit | $100/0.5 ACH50 | $220/0.5 ACH50 |
9 | Ventilation | Code Compliant Spot or Central ERV/HRV | $200/home | $450/home |
10 | Heat Pump Water Heater | NEEA QPL HPWH with CCE > 2.9 | $30/home | $65/home |
11 | Heat Pump Water Heater | NEEA QPL HPWH with CCE > 3.4 | $70/home | $130/home |
*Measures 2-11 are only available if selected energy credit requirements do not exceed the measure requirement.
Certified Performance
Get your home certified with ENERGY STAR or Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home (DOEZERH) and receive incentives. To fulfill this pathway, a HERS rater must certify the home. Building Opportunity incentives are available for homes built on land owned by an income-qualified community land trust and/or properties on reservation land.
Requirement | Standard Incentive | Building Opportunity Incentive |
ENERGY STAR National or Regional v.3.2 Rev. 12 | $450/home | $950/home |
ENERGY STAR National v.3.2 Rev. 13 | $920/home | $1,950/home |
DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes | $1,580/home | $3,350/home |
Interested in participating in Next Level Homes? Make sure your project meets the following requirements:
- Property Type: Projects must either be detached single family homes or have a maximum of three attached units. Exceptions may apply for townhome projects. Contact us to inquire.
- Location: Projects must be within Puget Sound Energy electric service territory.
- Heating Source: Projects must use electricity for space heating.
- Project Phase: Complete construction on or after January 1, 2024.*
*Projects that receive ENERGY STAR or DOEZERH certification on or after January 1, 2024 are also eligible for incentives.